Autism Awareness~30 Days of snapshots: Day 27

We are almost through the month,

Autism Awareness Month, and the Month of the Military Child

For those of us Military Families, Raising a Military child with Autism,

when the month of April end, the daily battles, the awareness, continues,

we live it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year….

We juggle Training, Deployments, and the Military way of “semper Gumby” (Always Flexible),

Play the game of “Hurry up and wait” while also having to maintain rigid schedules for our children ,

We tackle meltdowns, celebrate the smallest of accomplishments,

and often live miles , even states away from our support structures,

and yet, we continue to press on

supporting and loving our Military,

advocating for our children,

looking for the simplest blessings….

Today’s Montage…

To the simple things…

A Rare moment…A Quick Hug

“I Love you”

To Board Games…

To a Treasured Gift

To Hayrides…

To Watermelon….

To the love of a favorite book…

We Cherish the small moments…

The Glimpses into His world…

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