I am who I am, and I’m happy that way



I am who I am, and I’m happy that way
I am geeky and nerdy and I’m happy that way
a Little bit girly, and a whole lot Tomboy, and I’m happy that way

I have been used and abused, but it’s all made me stronger
I refuse to be a victim any longer
I am who I am, and I’m happy that way

Just a Simple country Girl I used to say
I realize now, it’s really not that simple
Baggage I carried
Damaged and broken
surely nobody could love me this way

Into my life You walked
out of the corner You coaxed
My heart You mended
helped me to be able to say
I am who I am, and I’m happy that way

Beautifully broken
for my heart You have spoken
Thank You for loving me this way

I am who I am, and I’m happy that way
I am geeky and nerdy and I’m happy that way
a Little bit girly, and a whole lot Tomboy, and I’m happy that way

~♥~Rachel E.Brown~♥~July 12,2013