Rachel’s Reading List

Books, or poems/blog posts that have inspired me, or helped me in my journey as a Military wife, mother of three, and mom of a special needs child. This list will take me some time to compile, and will probably never really be “Finished”.

I hope that you will find inspiration, encouragement, or something helpful here…..


  • Welcome to the Club:

A letter written by a mom who has been walking the journey for a while, to parents new to the journey, also helpful for those of us who have been walking this road a while…I wish someone had written me a letter like this 9 years ago!


  • A hair-dryer kid in a toaster-brained world

A Brilliant Presentation that MOM-Nos gave to her son, Bud’s classmates…..the entire series from Presentation all the way through to wrap up is a definite MUST read!

  1. Opportunity, possibility, and community
  2. Circle of friends
  3. A hair-dryer kid in a toaster-brained world
  4. Meanings, feelings, and wacky hair
  5. Sing out loud, sing out strong
  6. Shake your sillies out
  7. That’s not what I hear
  8. Konnichiwa
  9. Friendly talk
  10. Where are we headed?
  11. Different like me
  12. With a little help from my friends
  13. Wrapping up and moving on
  • Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew, By  Ellen Notbohm

This is one of the First books I bought after my son was Diagnosed with Autism, and By FAR One of the Most helpful resources in my arsenal.


  • The Way I See It: A Personal Look at Autism and Asperger’s, By Temple Grandin

I am still in the process of reading this amazing book, but I HIGHLY recommend it!!


and speaking of Temple Grandin…….

I Think EVERYONE needs to see the HBO Movie “Temple Grandin”


Military Life:

I Just wrote a review on this book, and I HIGHLY Recommend it…”Military life is full of “Hurry up and wait” , we have to learn to be “Semper Gumby” (Always flexible) while still balancing kids, school functions, jobs, housework, and life in general. Thankfully we have a solid rock to stand on when our faith rests in Jesus. This Book is a refreshing reminder that we are NOT alone, and is presented in a way that is manageable to read, a true daily dose, with questions to think on through the day, and a prayer to go with each segment.”

When Meg Chilton’s son announces that he wants to join the military, Meg is devastated. Her husband suffered physical and emotional trauma while fighting in Vietnam, and Meg is afraid that she will lose her only son to war if he enlists. But as Meg researches her family tree, she discovers the deep sacrifices and triumphs of those who went before her, serving this country.

From the Back Cover:

“I will never give you my blessing to enlist.” Tyler gazed at her, his eyes unflinching. “Mom, I’m going to join the Army. I’ve made up my mind. But I want your blessing. Can I have it?”

“No,” Meg snapped as a tear spilled down her cheek.

He’s her only son. She has everything to lose. But in the midst of war, can she find the will to let him go? Only as Meg Chilton studies her family tree does she begin to understand what sacrifice and heroism truly mean. Tracing her family’s history through four years, she begins to see God’s hand at work. But trusting Him with the life of her only son will take all the strength she has.

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