The Playlist of Us

I should be asleep i know
But You see I had to stay
because inside my head
This Poem would not go to bed
Not the most eloquent thing
ever i have wrote
It insisted to be said….

The Music tells a story
18 years ago Ours began
Sweet Home Alabama
Hotel California
Coaxing me into Your arms
swept off my feet by Your southern boy charms
Take my Breath away
Wedding bells soon followed
Love Will be Our home
My Best friend sang
Reality Hit Hard
Heads Carolina, Tales California
while neither of Us could bear to Listen
It was our reality
Hard to Say I’m sorry
soon became my theme
Years passed
Children came
I Only have eyes for You
My Home’s in Alabama
Living on a Prayer
Our Love grew stronger still
Total Eclipse of the heart
Every Breath You Take
When You say Nothing at All
Through the years our love Has grown
Many songs have been added to the playlist of us
I wont Let Go
You Never Gave up on me
We have proven time and time again
that we are Strong enough to Bend
There are songs from You to me
Whiskey Girl
One Hot Momma
Aint Nothin about You
and the songs from me to You
my Cool Rider
I Need a Hero
No one Else on Earth
that You Love me
is all I ask of You
When people ask ” what is Y’all’s song?”
To give this list would take too long
The simpler answer would be
God Blessed the Broken Road
God Gave me You
and Nothing’s gonna change my Love for You
There have been hard times
when my Brown eyes were blue
Before I let You go
Listen to Your heart
Wake me up inside
I will always Love You
because I am Hopelessly Devoted to You.
Through the hard times
You Make me smile
and as long as we Keep the Faith
We will make it through the Rockin Years

~August 9,2013~
Rachel E. Brown

The Battles of the Heart

This was my status on Facebook Sunday…

“Not all the wounds of the heart can be mended with help. Some just take time, and the realization that in order to allow yourself to heal, You need to work through the emotions as they come, not bury them or ignore them, and to forgive, whether the person(s) who inflicted the pain ask for it or not. Forgiveness is not for them…but for you. Bitterness will just turn even the most loving heart to stone. ( and yes, This is a reminder for myself too)”

 and this was my Status Yesterday,

“When You have something worth Fighting for, worth all the hard work, sleepless nights, tears, Don’t give up when it seems too hard. Hold on tight and rage against the storms, looking for the quiet in the midst of the fight, clinging to hope when the world falls in around you, and remember that others may try to tear it apart, but as the battle wages, the strongest are often those who know they are weak, who refuse to quit, and who keep pressing forward in spite of the heartbreak, the pain, overcoming and recognizing that the most beautiful treasures are ones who have stood the tests of time, not the ones who are pristine and have never been tested.”

and here is the poem that followed from the above train of thought…..


The Battles of the Heart
wage where nobody can see
Sleepless nights
Countless Tears
anger seeps in like the tide
Bringing with it fears and Pride
Just walk away
It’s the easy thing they say.
But what if we stand and fight
if we choose to rage against the night
The battle wages
Tired and worn
finding strength to rise once more
To love deeper than before
This heart of mine
Tattered and Torn
scarred and cracked
Battle Tested
a priceless Treasure
proven in fire
Washed with tears
Yours to have for all my years.
~August 5,2013~

The bridge

she stands on the edge of the cliff
before her a bridge made of rope
to go back would mean death
cross it she must
Nervously she takes a step
the bridge begins to sway
awaiting on the distant cliff
her dreams
her hopes
her passions
her fears rush at her like the wind
causing the bridge to shake
below her a rapidly moving river rushes
behind her looks like a combat zone
holding on with all her might
focusing her eyes on moving forward
another step she starts to take
~~Rachel E. Brown~~
July 13,2013

Regaining strength

I have not written in FAR too long. My world seemed to be spiraling out of control, and feeling overwhelmed i lost sight of any positive, of the inspiration and lessons i do my best to look for in the midst of life’s storms. I felt that if i had nothing positive to say, then why write? I am not ready to go into all the details , but the long and the short of it is i was sinking…deeper and deeper into depression. I put my writing on the shelf, and set my camera beside it. Sure, i continued to take photos of the kids sporting events, of the obvious highlight moments, but i lost sight of the every day joys.


Things really came to a head this past 6 months. Depression took a physical toll, and in May i had surgery. The Physical limitations only increased my depression, yeah i know, vicious cycle. Thing is, as a stay at home mom, its MY job to take care of the kids, and the house, and the grocery shopping, and….you get the idea. well all of the sudden I couldn’t do any of that, and i felt i was failing my kids, my husband, myself.

I am in the process of climbing out of a deep hole, of mending things that have been damaged, and of moving forward. The storm clouds are breaking, and the sun it beginning to shine again.  I am dusting off my virtual pen, and have picked my camera back up off the shelf….

Spiraling downward,retreating inward

hitting bottom,something snaps

a wake up call to stand and fight

a forgotten corner of her mind

a well of strength within she finds

shakily rising, tears falling

cleansing tears of a heart on overload

washing over her like a flood

shoulders back, feet planted firmly

her faith was shaken, her foundation rattled

and yet she stands

another battle wages between heart and mind

This too shall pass

as the storm clouds clear

she stands, scarred but stronger

the rose once again rising from the ashes

~~R.E.B , July 7,2013~~

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Autism Awareness~30 Days of Snapshots 2012: Day 1

Last year for Autism Awareness Month I did 30 Days of Snapshots, Inspired by This Quote from a fellow Momma Blogger…

“To me, awareness is a picture.  It’s a montage of snapshots and video clips from the small moments that make up the life of a person with autism.  Littered within this media are the big and small moments; the moments that melt your heart and those that test your resolve; the moments that capture the ordinary and those that frame the extraordinary. They’re the snippets of video that you proudly post on YouTube for the world to see, and those that you preview through the view finder on your camera and ultimately decide to delete because they didn’t quite catch your child at their best.

To be aware of autism one must have that complete picture, because awareness is the sum total of these images.”(From red shoes, Autism Blues)

I LOVE the concept of looking at Autism in this light. Those who know me, know I NEVER ( well almost never) go anywhere without my Camera. It is always ready to capture those moments. If You would like to go Back and see the posts from Last April, They are all Linked down the right hand side under the Title: Autism Awareness 30 Days of snapshots. I will be doing this again this year as well, so lets begin Our Journey shall we?

This year the CDC released “New” Autism statistics…..

Data & Statistics


  • About 1 in 88 children has been identified with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) according to estimates from CDC’s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network. [Read article]
  • ASDs are reported to occur in all racial, ethinic, and socioeconomic groups. [Read article]
  • ASDs are almost 5 times more common among boys (1 in 54) than among girls (1 in 252). [Read article]
  • Studies in Asia, Europe, and North America have identified individuals with an ASD with an average prevalence of about 1%. A recent study in South Korea reported a prevalence of 2.6%. [Data table Adobe PDF file]
  • About 1 in 6 children in the U.S. had a developmental disability in 2006-2008, ranging from mild disabilities such as speech and language impairments to serious developmental disabilities, such as intellectual disabilities, cerebral palsy, and autism.  [Read article]


1 in 88

1 in 54

1 in 252



1 in 6…

staggering Numbers, but what I want you to know is this…. These are more than just numbers. They are PEOPLE. and behind each child, there is a family…loving them, guiding them, fighting for them at every twist and turn. ( see my Post  1 in 88…not just numbers, PEOPLE ). This year we confirmed that we have not one, but two children on the spectrum….

Although April is Autism Awareness Month, our families live with autism EVERY day….

Autism…Different but NOT less…

Miracle League…Because EVERY child deserves a chance to play Baseball….

This year, like last year as you join me on this 30 days of snapshots journey I hope you will see that…

Autism is not a Label ( Those go on soup cans) but a Diagnosis….

The words “Your child has Autism” is NOT the end of the world, but an open door to look at life in a different perspective, to take things at a slower pace, to cherish the simple things…

That the child in the store kicking and screaming may not be just a “Spoiled brat”, but may in fact be in pain due to sensory overload….

that the frazzled parent trying to calm said child may need a helping hand, and certainly does NOT need you to stop and stare, give dirty looks, or make snide comments like “Can’t you control your child?” or “you should have left that brat at home” ( and the list goes on…)…

April is Autism Awareness month….

what can YOU do to reach out and spread the word….

to help a family walking this journey…

to educate yourself…

Remember people on the autism spectrum do not need to be “Fixed”. They are NOT broken, and do not need to be forced to fit into society’s idea of how we should act, talk, think, look, ect….

They need acceptance, compassion, and understanding…

not judgement, criticism, and prejudice.