Autism Awareness~30 Days of snapshots: Day 8

to watch a Miracle League Game is TRULY a Blessing…

a lesson in Love….




for the love of the game in it’s PUREST Form….

*I get to play BASEBALL!*


*Time with Daddy*

*Forming Friendships*

*Dreams do come true!*

*Baseball friendships*

*Big sister and Baseball Buddy*


To all the people who make this possible…


Siblings and Autism:’unsung heros of autism.’

This is something that eats at me almost daily. a subject near and dear to my heart. I have THREE kids. one happens to have autism. It breaks my heart when my husband and i have to take turns at the girls ballgames because one of us has to stay home with their brother…..or when we have to leave a friend’s party early because he is falling apart on sensory overload.

I worry that they will grow up and resent Him. I fight to make sure they get quality time with me and Daddy. I do everything I can to make sure they get to go to youth group and AWANA, to sleep-overs at friends houses, to try and make sure they have lives outside of Autism.

I fear that I am not doing enough, and I pray daily that God will Guide my steps as I try to raise the three precious gifts He gave me.

Please Click on this link and watch the Video ( don’t know any other way to do this) Siblings and Autism:’unsung heros of autism.’ and Thank you, Jim Watkins PIX for helping shine the light on this!

*Follow up to this:(April 10,2011) Jim Watkins posted a Follow up on His Blog

Autism Awareness~30 Days of snapshots: Day 7

There are people in my life who may not ever realize how they have blessed me by loving my son…

by looking past the diagnosis of Autism…

by patiently taking the time for him to show them his world…

Today’s post is dedicated to a group of people who have become closer than friends….

people who are family, not by birth or marriage, but a connection that runs deep…


Awareness is helping me surprise Him with a birthday cake,

and taking the time to plan it all so I don’t have to worry…

Awareness is wrestling and tickles….

Awareness is letting Him sit in your lap and play with your beard….

playing peek-a-boo with him for an hour straight…

Awareness is helping me throw a Halloween block party

because trick or treating can be overwhelming for my son…

Awareness is including him in your child’s birthday parties…

and for understanding when he gos off and does his own thing…



To all who have taken the time to get to know ALL three of my children,

who have shown my son that Autism does NOT define him…

who take the time …

who have not turned their backs or walked out…


for understanding when he melts down that its nothing personal…

for calling to check on me…

for listening when I cry…

for understanding my joy over the smallest of accomplishments…

for being a part of our lives…



**Author note: As I typed this, Dak was helping me….

below is my status from Facebook:

Dak is home again today recovering from yesterday’s stomach bug…he makes me smile, This morning after getting the girls out the door to school I was laying in bed typing up today’s “30 days of snapshots” post for my Autism Awareness series on my blog, and he climb up next to me and lay down, His head on my shoulder “Mom what you doing?”.I responded “Typing, what you doing?” His reply ” Snuggling, I watch Larry boy?” I told Him he could, so he got up, put His favorite movie in my dvd player, and snuggled back up against me and said “Dakota happy”. Thank you Lord for precious moments like this that remind me of the blessing you gave me when you gave me my son.