Time to Soar

Beaten and Broken
Tattered and Torn
seemingly defeated
Her wings she spread
It’s time to soar
Slowly she begins to rise
Above the mud
Above the pain
steadily she climbs
The winds of her storms pushing her higher
Looking back no longer
Gone are the days of fighting against the storm
Gone are the days of holding on to the heartache
Each day she grows just a little bit stronger
Refusing to quit
Determined to soar
spreading her wings
It’s time to dance once more
~Rachel E. Brown~
September 21,2013

The Playlist of Us

I should be asleep i know
But You see I had to stay
because inside my head
This Poem would not go to bed
Not the most eloquent thing
ever i have wrote
It insisted to be said….

The Music tells a story
18 years ago Ours began
Sweet Home Alabama
Hotel California
Coaxing me into Your arms
swept off my feet by Your southern boy charms
Take my Breath away
Wedding bells soon followed
Love Will be Our home
My Best friend sang
Reality Hit Hard
Heads Carolina, Tales California
while neither of Us could bear to Listen
It was our reality
Hard to Say I’m sorry
soon became my theme
Years passed
Children came
I Only have eyes for You
My Home’s in Alabama
Living on a Prayer
Our Love grew stronger still
Total Eclipse of the heart
Every Breath You Take
When You say Nothing at All
Through the years our love Has grown
Many songs have been added to the playlist of us
I wont Let Go
You Never Gave up on me
We have proven time and time again
that we are Strong enough to Bend
There are songs from You to me
Whiskey Girl
One Hot Momma
Aint Nothin about You
and the songs from me to You
my Cool Rider
I Need a Hero
No one Else on Earth
that You Love me
is all I ask of You
When people ask ” what is Y’all’s song?”
To give this list would take too long
The simpler answer would be
God Blessed the Broken Road
God Gave me You
and Nothing’s gonna change my Love for You
There have been hard times
when my Brown eyes were blue
Before I let You go
Listen to Your heart
Wake me up inside
I will always Love You
because I am Hopelessly Devoted to You.
Through the hard times
You Make me smile
and as long as we Keep the Faith
We will make it through the Rockin Years

~August 9,2013~
Rachel E. Brown

The Battles of the Heart

This was my status on Facebook Sunday…

“Not all the wounds of the heart can be mended with help. Some just take time, and the realization that in order to allow yourself to heal, You need to work through the emotions as they come, not bury them or ignore them, and to forgive, whether the person(s) who inflicted the pain ask for it or not. Forgiveness is not for them…but for you. Bitterness will just turn even the most loving heart to stone. ( and yes, This is a reminder for myself too)”

 and this was my Status Yesterday,

“When You have something worth Fighting for, worth all the hard work, sleepless nights, tears, Don’t give up when it seems too hard. Hold on tight and rage against the storms, looking for the quiet in the midst of the fight, clinging to hope when the world falls in around you, and remember that others may try to tear it apart, but as the battle wages, the strongest are often those who know they are weak, who refuse to quit, and who keep pressing forward in spite of the heartbreak, the pain, overcoming and recognizing that the most beautiful treasures are ones who have stood the tests of time, not the ones who are pristine and have never been tested.”

and here is the poem that followed from the above train of thought…..


The Battles of the Heart
wage where nobody can see
Sleepless nights
Countless Tears
anger seeps in like the tide
Bringing with it fears and Pride
Just walk away
It’s the easy thing they say.
But what if we stand and fight
if we choose to rage against the night
The battle wages
Tired and worn
finding strength to rise once more
To love deeper than before
This heart of mine
Tattered and Torn
scarred and cracked
Battle Tested
a priceless Treasure
proven in fire
Washed with tears
Yours to have for all my years.
~August 5,2013~

Vacation Poem

We Just returned from a Trip to Visit my Family in Upstate NY. I wrote this poem while on the road…It is a whole lot silly, makes very little sense…lack of sleep and coffee probably had some play…Here it is none the less…


Clothes are Loaded
truck is Packed
Turn off the lights
Don’t forget to pee!

Kids Crammed in truck
off we go to Grandma’s House
She Touched me!
Are We There yet?
On and On it Goes

20 Hours on the road
3 kids and 2 adults
in our pick-up truck
He took my Pillow!
Mommy I need to pee!

Up and down through mountains
over rivers we go
Headed North to Grandma’s house

Stop for gas
stop for food
everybody go pee!
Now pile back in the truck

Don’t lean on me!
Mooom! She’s squishing me!
The word of the day is Co-exist!

Ten hours down
Ten more to go
Daddy Drives
Mommy Referees

Alabama, Tennessee
Virginia, Pennsylvania
North to Grandma’s house
in New York we Drive

The sun is setting
go to sleep
Mom! I Can’t feel my feet!
Sit Still, Stay in Your seat!

Endless Highway
Rolling Hills
Dad, what state
is that Liscence plate?

Reading books
Playing Games
Hey Look!
I see a Train!

20 hours on the road
North to Grandma’s
Are we there yet?
On and On it goes.

~July 17,2013~

Rachel E. Brown

The Necklace

2 strands of chain
adorned with pink beads
tied itself up good

A Favorite it is so i worked to untangle
a lesson i learned
as i faced this delicate task

my heart gets itself
all tangled in knots
emotions and stresses
chaos galore
to untangle my mess
it must be quite a chore

My Savior, he loves me
patiently He unwinds me
carefully unraveling
untwisting, unbinding

such a beautiful mess
worth fixing time and again
because surely my heart
and my necklace
will tangle once more

I simply have to trust
in Jesus my Lord
to turn over my messes
~Rachel E. Brown~
July 17,2013

The bridge

she stands on the edge of the cliff
before her a bridge made of rope
to go back would mean death
cross it she must
Nervously she takes a step
the bridge begins to sway
awaiting on the distant cliff
her dreams
her hopes
her passions
her fears rush at her like the wind
causing the bridge to shake
below her a rapidly moving river rushes
behind her looks like a combat zone
holding on with all her might
focusing her eyes on moving forward
another step she starts to take
~~Rachel E. Brown~~
July 13,2013


The stage is Bare, the lights are bright
the room it seems is packed tonight
timidly from the shadows she steps
quietly, nervosuly she begins to share
her creative soul she starts to bare

oh to bolt back into the safety of shadows
to withdraw and hide once more
but wait…
to hide would be worse than death
would stifle her flame and dim her light

a voice she hears ring from the crowd
time to let your beautiful light shine!
another voice chimes in from behind
I will catch you if you stumble,
now is time to spread your wings

The stage is Bare, the lights are bright
the room it seems is packed tonight
her voice she finds
the spark rekindled
her creative soul she starts to bare
~Rachel E. Brown~
July 13,2013

I am who I am, and I’m happy that way



I am who I am, and I’m happy that way
I am geeky and nerdy and I’m happy that way
a Little bit girly, and a whole lot Tomboy, and I’m happy that way

I have been used and abused, but it’s all made me stronger
I refuse to be a victim any longer
I am who I am, and I’m happy that way

Just a Simple country Girl I used to say
I realize now, it’s really not that simple
Baggage I carried
Damaged and broken
surely nobody could love me this way

Into my life You walked
out of the corner You coaxed
My heart You mended
helped me to be able to say
I am who I am, and I’m happy that way

Beautifully broken
for my heart You have spoken
Thank You for loving me this way

I am who I am, and I’m happy that way
I am geeky and nerdy and I’m happy that way
a Little bit girly, and a whole lot Tomboy, and I’m happy that way

~♥~Rachel E.Brown~♥~July 12,2013

You Matter


Voices screaming in my head
reminding me of things said
“You are worthless”
“You are broken, a Failure”
“You can’t do anything right”
negative thoughts rise to the surface
This is a daily fight

A new voice grows louder day by day
it started as a whisper
“You are important”
“You are beautiful”
“You Matter”
is what it has to say

Each day, a choice
a decision to feed which voice
Each moment a struggle
suddenly ,like a gasp of air
“It is perfectly Ok to admit that You are not ok”

The inner conflict continues on
yet a new outlook dawns
“You matter”
“It’s ok to hurt”
“Your feelings…Matter”
“It’s ok to cry”
“Your story matters”

Tears may still fall
inner strength creeps from hidden shadows
deep inside the depths of heart shattered
the survivor brushes off the dirt
and takes the first steps
all because someone said
“Your life matters”

~~Rachel E. Brown~~

July 12,2013

Love Is…

Sharing two older poems of mine, written back in 1996


The Power of love
it can tear your world apart,
can make your every dream come true.

The power of love
can teach you so much about yourself
can draw you out of your shell.

The beauty of love
it seeks you out
when you least expect it.

The beauty of love
touches your soul
in your darkest hour.

~Rachel E. Brown~


Love is like a fire
burning deep within your heart
flames of passion
play with your emotions
the dancing light of happiness
casts a reflection for all to see.

Love is like a fire
intertwining two hearts,
an extravagant masquerade
combining beauty and mystery
in an intriguing display of romance
flirting with pulsating intensities
of erotic desire.

Love is like a fire
consuming your thoughts
rendering you helpless
overwhelmed by the primal urges of your mind
Love is like a fire…..
~Rachel E. Brown~