Autism Awareness~30 Days of snapshots: Day 14

In Motion…


From the time He was very small, one thing was clear

This precious little boy of mine

was a bundle of energy

constantly on the go…

*Chasing Bubbles*


*Riding His Scooter*

*Jumping into a Pile of Leaves*

*Armed with a Squirt gun*

*Jumping on the trampoline*

*Running to make the pinwheels spin*


* the bus pulls up…

Dak came to the door…stopped….jumped…

then proceeded to pull His Backpack off as he Ran Towards me!*


My little super hero, Dak-man, my constant bundle of energy, always running, jumping, swinging…

He wears me out, and there are days I wish I could Bottle some of that energy,

but Oh I love Him so!